2019 Annual Sustaining Campaign

The Fort Madison Family YMCA’s 2019 Sustaining Campaign kicked off with board members presenting their 2019 donations during a board gathering at the Fort Madison Y.

Members of the Fort Madison Family YMCA Board of Directors present their donations for the 2019 Sustaining Campaign. Members pictured above are Tim Lamm, Roger Griswold, Jill Stoll, Ryan Daly, Jen Fett, Wes Holtkamp, Steve Eschman, Justin Menke, and John Owen.
Members of the Fort Madison Family YMCA Board of Directors present their donations for the 2019 Sustaining Campaign. Members pictured above are Tim Lamm, Roger Griswold, Jill Stull, Ryan Daly, Jen Fett, Wes Holtkamp, Steve Eschman, Justin Menke, and John Owen.

The participation of our board members provides a solid starting point in our campaigns, helping to pave the way to its success each year. Their unwavering commitment to the organization and our community as a whole is admirable and deeply appreciated.

Executive Director, Ryan Wilson, released a letter to businesses and members of the Fort Madison community in early June detailing areas of focus in which the campaign positively impacts each year.

If we, as a community of Fort Madison are to be serious about youth development, we’ve got to look at it through a broad perspective, recognizing that children in our community come to the Y from a wide array of environments. The Annual Campaign is absolutely critical in providing access to quality youth development opportunities that will offer the best chance for them to become functional, contributing adults. Your assistance in this campaign is imperative in allowing the Y to grow and flourish. 
My name is Ryan Wilson, and I’m proud to serve as the Fort Madison Family YMCA’s Executive Director. In 2019, we are raising money to help ensure that the YMCA is accessible to everyone in our community. Your Fort Madison Family YMCA makes those kinds of impacts on a daily basis – membership assistance, before & after-school programs, swimming lessons, youth sports, jiu-jitsu and the many special events year-round that make our community a healthier, happier place to live. I would like to thank you in advance for your consideration of this important request. I am asking for you to consider a tax-deductible gift in support of our Annual Campaign in order to help kids, adults and families thrive in our great community. I believe that the YMCA’s focus areas are second to none in how we impact our community: For Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. 
Your donation will be utilized to make sure everyone who wants to participate in YMCA programs will be able to do so. No one is ever turned away from the YMCA due to financial hardship. That’s why the Annual Campaign is so important and why the YMCA is unique. Every penny that we raise in our 2019 campaign will be used to subsidize financial assistance for these programs. 
Please help the Fort Madison Family YMCA reach our goal of $35,000 for 2019. In the near future, a YMCA volunteer or staff person will be contacting you. 
We thank you for your time, effort and contributions to make the Fort Madison Family YMCA the best we can be for Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. 
Ryan Wilson
Executive Director
Fort Madison Family YMCA

Letter from Executive Director, Ryan Wilson

To give perspective on how donations benefit the Y’s youth through programs here are some examples of what it takes to assist families in need.

$50 Donation: Develops one child’s confidence in our Jiu Jitsu program for two months.
$100 Donation: Supports water safety & swim lessons to decrease drowning for three kids.
$200 Donation: Provides eight youth with the opportunity to play a Y Sport.
$500 Donation: Creates potential for five youth to participate on our Swim Team.
$1000 Donation: Engages two children through our After School Program for five months.
$2000 Donation: Provides two youth with the opportunity to build relationships through our Summer Camp Program.

To donate to The Y’s 2019 Sustaining Campaign contact The Y at 319-372-2403, email [email protected], or click here to print card.