The Fort Madison Family YMCA’s Summer Camp program has officially been given the green light! The popular 11-week program will officially begin on Wednesday, June 8th and will run through August 21st. The camp is open to first through sixth graders on a first come, first served basis. Enrollment is limited to staffing.

The Y Summer Camp staff will be taking extra measures to ensure the safety of camp participants and staff. New and updated policies and procedures are in place for this year’s Summer Camp. Click here to read a copy of the policies and procedures.

The Y’s Summer Camp hours are Monday–Friday 7:00am–5:30pm to meet the needs of working parents and guardians. Children will enjoy activities such as indoor and outdoor swimming, trips to various water parks, library reading programs, picnics at the parks, roller skating, hiking, miniature golf, games, crafts, and more. All activities will be dependent on CDC guidelines and availability.

Families can enroll by visiting the Fort Madison Family YMCA at 220 26th Street in Fort Madison during regular office hours: Monday-Thursday – 6:00am-9:00pm, Friday –  6:00am – 7:00pm, and Saturday – 8:00am – 1:00pm.. Enrollment packets and registration forms must be completed and returned to the office before your child’s first day.

For additional information or if you have questions regarding the program please call 319-372-2403 or email: [email protected].